Using Writing to Grow Your Business

You don’t need me to say it. If you’ve started a company, you already know—growing a business is really difficult! Luckily, there are many methods you can use to make business growth a little easier. Research and development, hiring the right staff, and enhancing your administrative efficiency are all important parts of the equation. But one of the most underrated ways to sell your products or services, boost your revenues, and make your business bigger and better is by improving your writing.

Some people may not see the connection between the written word and dollars and cents. Making products, investing your money, managing human resources, and building your brand may all seem separate from the art of putting pen to paper. It can sometimes be easier to identify the relationship between other parts of work and the profitability you’re trying to achieve. Yet writing is a crucial element of every aspect of business.

Need to communicate what you offer to potential partners and investors? Develop a business plan. Want to say the right things during an important conference or meeting? Create a speech or elevator pitch. Looking for funding? Write a grant application. Seeking to build your digital presence? Revamp your web content.

Of course, all of this sounds nice, but how do you actually use writing to make your ideas a reality?

Decide What Story You Want to Tell

    Who are you? And why should people care? You may have the coolest merchandise or the best services, but if people don’t know about you or why they need what you offer, then you won’t make the impact that you and your customers deserve. Deciding on why your company matters and what makes you unique will help you write your message—everywhere. In your tagline, on marketing materials, in business plans, in funding proposals, on your website, and across your social media platforms—your goals and values should be clear for all to see. Clarifying for yourself why you are important will help you make it clear for everyone else.

    Decide on the Words That Will Help You Tell It

      Once you know exactly who you are, you need the perfect words that will capture that “it” factor that distinguishes you from other businesses. You don’t want to repeat the same catchphrases that other companies use. The best companies require the best descriptions; everything you write should be done with intention, to show exactly what you’re all about. Research your competitors and how they communicate their history, message, and identity. Then make sure that whatever you write, you do it at least a little differently.  Your words represent you and are often one of the first things that draw clients in. Be clear, be engaging, and be true to who you are.

      Choose What Form Your Words Will Take

      Figuring out what words to use will depend on how many you need and how you want to shape them. A one-sentence slogan will require a different approach than a lengthy proposal. A business plan may have a different audience than a Facebook post. A policy handbook will need different terminology than a blog. To grow your company, you’ll need to write in various genres and communicate in diverse styles to reach a wide range of people. Yet each of these documents or messages will say something about what’s important to you and why it should be important to them.

      Work With Writers Who Understand What You Need

      You want to be authentic, but you may lack the time and resources to constantly put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. You might find yourself buried under a pile of imaginary documents and communications that you hope to write but can never get around to completing. Thankfully, iPlume Writing offers business writing services that can help you develop your company’s brand and tell everyone how you can improve their lives. We do this by listening to who you are, what you need, and how it relates to your clients or customers. Then, we conduct any necessary research and put our experienced writers into action on your behalf. As more people are convinced to buy your products, choose your services, invest in your development, and share your story, it will be yet another reminder of how writing can help you grow your business.

      If you’re interested in learning more, contact iPlume Writing today!

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